Welcome to New Term 2023
Welcome to Spring Term! welcome back to my blog. It is been a while since I have posted latest post. I'm so excited to be back. I hope this term will be filled with joy and learn about interesting topics. Now, I would like to start my welcome back post with Enola Holmes which is a movie that available on Netflix.
The movie tells the story of Enola Holmes, Sherlock Holmes's sister, who finds her mother missing on her 16th birthday and therefore initiates a mystery quest to find her in London. The movie also inserts issues of political movement and rights into it harmoniously. look hopeful Questioning our choices in life and our future. Maybe big changes start with small actions. Enola taught us that. Enola Holmes is a Netflix original film about femininity and shown about the power of women who can tackle the smallest problems to the big revolutions that affect society. The film also includes the voices of young people and women. Like the protagonist, Enola, who wasn't taught to be polite or conventional since childhood. “Not like a well-bred woman. I was never taught to embroider. Never sculpt a wax rose handkerchief or stringing shells I was taught to see, to listen, to fight, this is how my mother made me.” Because of all the things her mother taught her, including reading, science, fighting, or even word puzzles. Inevitably extends to become a subject that allows her to survive in the harsh real world. They create a revolution for the betterment of future generations. So, I'm going to talk about a quote from a movie script that made me feel like my driving force.
"Our future is up to us"
"Paint your own picture. Don’t be thrown off course by other people. Especially men!"
"It’s remarkable what can be done when people underestimate you."
"It’s remarkable what can be done when people underestimate you."
From the quote above, which is part of the dialogue that I feel is a very powerful sentence that can inspire and motivate as well as generate new ideas or mindset about how to do things, be it making a decision or doing something. Previously, I used to be a person who didn't dare to make any decisions by myself, just because I was afraid that it would be wrong decision, I was waiting for other to always decide me. But now has started the new year. My change has begun that my own decision is the most important thing to try to do better than to regret it later than I didn't do it. So, I'm going to start new term with my new mindset.
Reference list:
Netflix(2020)Enola Holmes | Official Trailer. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d0Zf9sXlHk (Accessed 10 January 2023)
Smith T.(2020) A collective of the best quotes from Netflix's Enola Holmes. Available at: https://mamasgeeky.com/2020/09/enola-holmes-quotes.html (Accessed 10 January 2023)
Lemire C.(2020) Enola Holmes review. Available at:
https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/enola-holmes-movie-review-2020 (Accessed 10 January 2023)
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