Critical Evaluation my website
In this post I will talk about reflection on my website.
I chose this template because it was pretty much exactly what I needed. I want my website to be composed of images and articles that are in proportion to each other. My website style is minimal, the colors used are orange, cream, black, and brown. As for the name of my site, wawahmedia, I gave this name because I am a Media student and wanted to reflect this, so I combined it with my nickname. My website consists of 4 pages: Home page, Gallery page, and Contact page. In the home page section, I have added element for welcome post in the middle and on this page will include my name and picture. The sites I researched are Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. This is because they are both movie review sites like my project.
For website design is I have used both elements and tools, first for adding a welcome menu, click on add section, then welcome and choose the style that I want. Next is to add pictures to the gallery by clicking on add elements and then selecting Gallery, then selecting the format. As for the fonts that I use mostly, there are 2 main ones, Space Grotesk and Lulo clean, because I think these two fonts are quite easy to read and it is a sans serif style suitable for online work. For adding social media information, I got the same tool, add elements, then press social and select the desired social bar, then add the link. For the gallery page, I added a text box for adding more text to this page. The color I use for the texts are for headings or main titles, I uses orange, but for content and additional information are in black. My website is easy to navigate because I have tried it both on my computer and on my mobile phone and also let my friends try it out. Social link section media in contact page is ready to use including sending messages to my email.
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